Hohai University

Dr. Wang Zhijian is an ERE Professor who teaches a ‘Water Resources & Water Environment’ course (in Chinese) in our HNC program.  He’s also an Associate Professor in the Law School at nearby Hohai University – a famous university in China specializing in hydraulic engineering and water resources.

The Law School there held an International Water Rights Forum (IWRF) in mid-December, and invited both Chinese and international scholars who could contribute “new ideas about water security, water rights and water management”…  and I was honored to receive such an invitation from Prof. Wang and the meeting’s organizers.

Not surprisingly, I offered a presentation that focused on the role of market-based instruments in water quality management, starting back in the 1960s with the earliest ideas about using quantity-based economic approaches – and ending with potential 3rd-party use of drones, sensors and blockchains to support monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) in such applications.  The presentation addressed these ideas as part of China’s market-oriented environmental reforms – and hence was entitled Application of Economic Tools in China’s Environmental Management.

Hohai University