A Very Special Gift

I sometimes get teased that my postings have a lot of pictures of buildings and statues and the like – but not often very many with family & friends. I’ve always thought that’s more a role for Facebook or other social media platforms, not for this blog.

But my daughters recently surprised me with a truly special gift! We usually celebrate Christmas in January because — like this past year — I’m often in Asia or elsewhere abroad during the true Christmas season.

My wife, Nicki, was an inveterate quilt-maker…. and when she passed away three years ago, she left behind many, many white squares – her latest quilt-project-in-the-making. My daughters decided it was time to finish their Mom’s project….. and my Christmas gift this year was the result. Needless to say, I was more than a little surprised — and very, very pleased!

My posting from that very tough time noted the key supportive and caring role they played, taking care of both my wife and me over her final months. You can see that such loving care continues!